Corona Virus Update

Coronavirus and Infection Control Useful Links Australian Government Department of Health Coronavirus Information Page Clinell efficacy against Wuhan coronavirus...

Conference Room for Hire

Tahmoor Medical Centre now has a conference room available for hire. The room can seat up to 20 persons, has conferencing equipment, a nearby kitchen facility and toilets, including disabled toilets. Please enquire at

Sleep Study Clinic

National Clinical Services is a sleep study clinic located in our surgery. Jack is available Monday – Thursdays to discuss any symptoms of sleep apnoea or other sleep issues. Contact Tahmoor Medical Centre to make an appointment to see Jack.

Free Hearing Checks Every Thursday

Free hearing checks are available in the surgery every Thursday. To book in your free hearing check you must be 21 years of age or over. Please call reception desk on 4683 0800 for more information or to make a booking.